Javascript is an OOP language. The examples here are quick demo on how create and use Javascript objects.
If you are intended to create just one instance of an Object, just create a static instance object.
var div = { width: "10px", height: "20px", css: function() { alert("{width: "+this.width + "; height: "+ this.height+"}"); } }; alert(typeof(div)); // return object
It's equivalent to non-literal way.
var div = new Object(); div.width = "10px"; div.height = "20px"; div.css = function() { alert("{width: "+this.width + "; height: "+ this.height+"}"); }; div.css(); // return {width: "10px"; height: "20px"}
Becuase Javascript supports JSON, both the syntaxes return the same result.
alert(div["width"]); // return 10px alert(div.width); // return 10px
A constructor is a Function object. One instance of object is created using the constructor in new expression. All constructors are objects, but not all objects are constructors. this keyword is used to refer to object itself within the constructor.
function div() { this.width = "10px"; this.height = "20px"; this.css = function () { // or css: function () { alert("{width: "+this.width + "; height: "+ this.height+"}"); }; } var div1 = new div(); div1.css(); // {width: "10px"; height: "20px"}
When a constructor creates an object, that object implicitly references the constructor’s associated prototype for the purpose of resolving property references. The constructor's associated prototype can be referenced by expression constructor.prototype.
div.prototype = { backgrounColor: "green", init: function(clr) { this.color = clr; alert("{color: "+this.color + "; background-color: "+ this.backgrounColor + "; width: "+this.width + "; height: "+ this.height + "}"); } }; var div1 = new div(); div1.init("red"); // return {color: red; background-color: green; width: 10px; height: 20px}
Properties added to an object's prototype are shared, through inheritance, by all objects sharing the prototype. We can extend customized methods to native objects of Javascript - String, Array, Function, Date, etc. by adding properties to their prototype. The following prototype object add a trim method to all string instances.
String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/, ""); }
You can access the property's property of an object.
div.prototype = { color: { show:function() { alert(this.value); }, value: "#fff" } }; var div1 = new div();; // return #fff alert(div1.color.value); // return #fff
Allow one object inherits the properties and methods of the other object.
var div = function (){ this.width = "10px"; this.height = "20px"; this.css = function() { alert("{width: "+this.width + "; height: "+ this.height+"}"); } }; function ajax() { = function() { alert("ajax call"); } }; div.prototype = new ajax(); //extend the prototype chain of the object div to ajax var m = new div();; // return ajax call
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