jQuery.animate examples

This page is about the a list of test and examples of jQuery.animate plugin, which is the rewrite of the original jQuery.animate's default behavior. The priority use CSS3 Transition to achieve the animations.

Set CSS transformer properties

CSS transform translate x

		$("#translatex").css({ x: '100px' });       

CSS transform translate y

		$("#translatey").css({ y: '100%' });         

CSS transform translate: x and y

		$("#translate1").css({ translate: [200,100] });         

CSS transform translate3d

		$("#translate3d").css({ translate: [200,100] });         

CSS transform scale

		$("#scale").css({ scale: 2 });         

CSS transform scaleX

		$("#scaleX").css({ scaleX: 3 });         

CSS transform scaleY

		$("#scaleY").css({ scaleY: 3 });         

CSS transform scale3d

		$("#scale3d").css({ scale3d: [2, 1.5, 4] });       

CSS transform rotate

		$("#rotate").css({ rotate: '30deg' });        

CSS transform rotateX

		$("#rotateX").css({ rotateX: 45 });              

CSS transform rotateY

		$("#rotateY").css({ rotateY: '1rad' });          

CSS transform rotateZ

		$("#rotateZ").css({ rotateZ: 90 });                  

CSS transform rotate3d

		$("#rotate3d").css({ rotate3d: [60,30,90] });                   

CSS transform skewX

		$("#skewX").css({ skewX: '30deg' });                 

CSS transform skewY

		$("#skewY").css({ skewY: 60 });                  

CSS transform skew

		$("#skew").css({ skew: [30,60] });                   


hide and show



		$("#hideslideDown").hide().slideDown(1000, 'easeOutBack');                


		$("#hidefadeIn").hide().fadeIn(2000, function() {alert("OK") });            

animate left

		$("#animateleft").animate({left: 100});            

animate x

	  $("#animatex").animate({x: 200}, 1000, 'easeOutBack', function() {

animate left top

			left: [100, 'linear'],
			top: [200, 'easeOutBack'],
			scale: [[2,3], 'easeInBack']

animate left top + animation styles for both directions

		left: 100,
		top: 200
		queue: false,
		duration: 2000,
		specialEasing: {
			left: 'linear',
			top: 'easeOutBack'

Animate: opacity

		$("#animate1").animate({opacity: 0},{
			queue: false,
			duration: 2000,
			easing: 'linear'

Animate Compound Properties

Animate: border-radius

		$("#border-radius").animate({ 'border-radius': '25px 25px 25px 25px' });		

Animate: box-shadow

		$("#box-shadow").animate({ 'box-shadow': 'inset 10px 10px 5px #ddd'});	

Animate: stop

	$("#finish").animate({ x: 300 }, 2000, 'easeInOutBack');
