The method group returns an array of grid cells grouped by the indexes of the grid cells. Optionally, it can also attach events and styles to the grouped cells.
elements - An array of numbers or string "number1-number2" represents the index of grouped grid cells.
event (optional) - An object represents event types and corresponding handlers.
style (optional) - An object represents css style of the grouped grid cells.
var pggrid = new jsgrid(); pggrid.init({ id:"wrp", rows:5, columns:12, width:25, height:20, gutter:1, backgroundColor: "#7fffd4" }); var grp =[0,2,8,10,"12-24",26,30,32,"34-40"], { "click": foo, "mouseover": foo, "mouseout": foo }, { backgroundColor: "#d00000" }); function foo(e) { e = (e) ? e : ((window.event) ? window.event : ""); var o = getTargetElement(e); if (e.type == "click"){ alert("OK"); } else if (e.type == "mouseover"){ = "#eee"; } else = "#d00000"; }